Formations et manifestations

Basics of Open Access

Basics of Open Access En présentiel


This session covers the following topics:

  • Presentation of the ULiège mandate, the Open Science decree of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and the modification of Belgian copyright related to Open Access
  • Presentation of Open Access and related concepts: definition, origin of the movement, green road, golden road, advantages, etc.
  • Publication cycle: difference between conventional and Open Access publishing methods
  • Economic, philosophical and technical reasons for Open Access
  • Advantages and benefits of Open Access


At the end of this session, participants will have grasped the key concepts relating to Open Access.

They will understand the ins and outs of Open Access, its advantages and how it works, as well as some useful tools for applying the concepts presented.

Skills developed

The participant will be able to actively and thoughtfully manage his or her scientific production, with the aim of becoming an Open Access player and being able to disseminate or publish his or her scientific production in Open Access.

Practical information

December 5th

  • Duration : 2h
  • Location : Sart Tilman
  • Language : English
  • Number of participants : min. 8 / max. 26

Registration request

Before November 25th, via ULIS Web, in the "training session registration" on the RISE tab.  Registrations open mid-September.

jeudi 5 décembre 2024
9:00 - 11:00
Fuseau horaire:
Heure de l’Europe centrale (changement)
PhD House (bât. B8 - Maison des Étudiants et Exèdre Dick Annegarn)
Sart Tilman Agora
  Doctorants     Enseignants / chercheurs ULiège  
  Open Science  
Aucune géolocatilisation n'est disponible.


Photo de profil de Paul Thirion
Paul Thirion

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Fuseau horaire: Heure de l’Europe centrale (Modifier)