Formations et manifestations

Predatory journals : What are they and how to detect them

Predatory journals : What are they and how to detect them En présentiel


The course combines online surveys, short theoretical capsules and collective analysis of examples of "predatory" magazines. The aim is to gain a better understanding of this issue, and of the ethical and professional stakes involved.


On completion of this course, participants will be :

  • able to use analytical strategies to identify predatory journals,
  • better equipped to understand the phenomenon of predatory journals,
  • aware of the importance of predatory journals in the world of research and scientific publishing.

Skills developed

Participants will hone their knowledge of the scientific publishing landscape and its excesses in terms of fake and pseudo-science.

Practical information

Wednesday, November 13th

Duration : 2h30
Location: Sart Tilman
Language: English
Number of participants: min. 10 / max. 25

Registration request

Via ULIS Web, through "training session registratin" in the RISE tab, before November 4th.  Registration opens mid-September.

mercredi 13 novembre 2024
14:00 - 16:30
Fuseau horaire:
Heure de l’Europe centrale (changement)
PhD House (bât. B8 - Maison des Étudiants et Exèdre Dick Annegarn)
Sart Tilman Agora
  Doctorants     Enseignants / chercheurs ULiège  
  Rédaction scientifique  
Aucune géolocatilisation n'est disponible.


Photo de profil de Christophe Dony
Christophe Dony

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